2024 Lawn and Gardening Watering Ban Survey Research Published

Axiom Marketing Insights 2024 Lawn and Garden Watering Ban Survey graphic

2024 Lawn and Garden Watering Ban Survey graphic | Axiom

Home gardeners’ concern about summer heat remains high as heat domes occur throughout many parts of the United States. Despite these concerns, many homeowners located in metro areas that regularly experience watering bans say they are largely unaware of water-saving products for their lawns and gardens. Many are also unaware of purchase rebates offered by municipal water providers according to a new research study released today.  

“Concerns about watering bans, keeping lawns and garden plants alive, and high water costs are prevalent in many areas of the country,” says Mike Reiber, founder and CEO of Axiom Marketing, a Minneapolis-based marketing firm serving horticultural, agricultural, and home improvement markets. “Home gardeners are keenly interested in identifying solutions and purchasing water-saving products that will help their lawns and gardens survive during sprinkling bans.” 

According to Reiber, other key findings include: 

  • 57.8% of respondents are unaware of lawn and garden products that will reduce the amount of water they need to apply to their lawns and gardens 
  • 65.5% are concerned about their lawns and garden plants being damaged or dying during watering bans 
  • 79.8% are highly interested in products that can reduce the amount of water they need to apply to their lawns and gardens by 15-35% 
  • 78.4% are likely to purchase products like these 
  • 69.2% experience watering bans in the middle of the summer or all season long 
  • 64.5% are concerned about the cost of water paid to local water providers 
  • 71.4% have experienced price increases throughout the past five years 

Reiber sees a continued business opportunity for independent garden centers in water management and conservation based on the following: 

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  • 34.6% of respondents name local garden centers as a place where they can learn more about water-saving products 
  • 44.2% believe they can buy water-saving products for their lawns and gardens at local garden centers 
  • The top three aided categories of water-saving products for lawns and gardens:
    • Natural fertilizers
    • Soil-wetting agents
    • Compost

For more information on the Axiom 2024 Lawn and Garden Watering Ban Study, download the report here.

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