Greenhouse Grower to Grower Podcast: Get to Know Tom Costamagna, Greenhouse Grower’s 2024 Head Grower of the Year (Part One)


Greenhouse Grower has entered the world of podcasts with the launch of our “Greenhouse Grower to Grower” series. In the podcast, which will be delivered every other week, we talk to growers from across the controlled-environment industry about market trends, innovation, their biggest challenges and opportunities, and more.

Earlier this year during Cultivate’24, our team at Greenhouse Grower presented our Head Grower of the Year award to Tom Costamagna of Young’s Plant Farm. Tom has a rich history in floriculture, and following the award presentation, I had an extensive conversation with Tom about everything from his background, to how he thinks outside the box when problem solving, to how his early influences have shaped the type of grower he is today. In this episode of Greenhouse Grower to Grower, you’ll hear part one of our conversation.

You can listen to the episode here, or you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts. We hope you enjoy it!

If you’d like to be a guest on a future episode, or you have someone on your growing team who would be an interesting guest, email me at [email protected].

Learning Opportunity: Exploring Career Opportunities in Horticulture

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