CEAg World Is Leading the Way in Covered Produce Production

CEAg World Conference and Expo banner and logo with a greenhouse background

Conference and Expo graphic | CEAg World

The ability to grow produce under cover (in high tunnels, greenhouses, and even indoors), called Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is transforming farming by enabling optimized food production. Here’s why growers should consider adopting CEA practices, from low- and mid-tech coverings to more permanent and higher-tech structures: 

Year-Round Production: Producing crops throughout the year eliminates seasonal limitations and ensures a constant supply of fresh produce. 

Reduced Inputs: CEA systems lessen the need for pesticides and fertilizers, lowering production costs and promoting sustainability. 

Increased Yield: Protecting your crops and managing their environment can lead to significantly increased yields per area farmed.  

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Reduced risk of crop loss from extreme weather: With covered production, you can protect your crops from extreme weather events. 

Easy Integration: Incorporating elements of CEA into your existing farming operation is straightforward and doesn’t require major overhauls. 

Healthier Communities: Provide your local community with consistently fresh and nutritious produce. 

Join us at the CEAg World Conference and Expo from Aug. 26 to 28, 2024, at the Raleigh Convention Center to learn about the latest advancements in CEA and connect with industry leaders and fellow growers. 

Event Highlights: 

  • Keynote Presentations: Gain insights from experts like Bob Jones of The Chef’s Garden and Henry Gordon-Smith of Agritecture. 
  • Panel Discussions: Learn about funding, production techniques, and business strategies tailored to CEA. 
  • Tours and Workshops: Visit NC State University’s Plant Sciences Initiative and participate in workshops focused on building and optimizing your CEA operation. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your farming practices and stay ahead in the agriculture industry. Special registration rates are available for growers. For more information and to register, visit CEAgWorld.com/events. 

Adopting CEA practices is a practical solution to many challenges faced by modern farmers. Attend the CEAg World Conference and Expo in Raleigh and take the next step towards a more efficient and sustainable farming operation.  

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