'Losers And Suckers': Trump Goes Off The Rails At Nevada Rally


We know that Donald Trump called our fallen military members “losers and suckers” for getting killed in action, just like we know that he told John McCain, “I like people who weren’t captured.” That’s who Trump is, but that wasn’t enough for his supporters to quit him. Instead, they turned on John McCain. Trump also refused to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because “he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain.”

Trump denied his ‘losers and suckers’ rant during his rally in Las Vegas. Trump’s long-winded rant came out as if he had mixed up a Scrabble set, then threw the letters on the wall, and called it a speech.

“I mean, I watched him yesterday when Macron, Macron’s a sharp guy. you know, he’s for France, right?” the Stable Genius said. “He’s for France. We’re for this. And Biden doesn’t even know where the hell he is.”

“And especially in one particular instance, that was not good yesterday,” he continued. “And I believe that happened. Okay. And he makes up stories. He said something about me that I stood over the graves of soldiers. nobody loves the military more than me. Nobody. Nobody respects it. And nobody’s, nobody’s treated it better. Nobody’s done as much for the military as I have.”

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