Maria Bartiromo Presides Over Sad Sack Panel After ‘Rip Roaring’ Market Rise

From Maria Bartiromo to Stuart Varney’s programs and their guests, the stock market take off after the Fed lowered the rates has caused them much consternation.

Screams of “It can’t last,” and “If Kamala wins I’m selling everything,” etc. permeated the Fox Business Network airwaves.

If Trump were in office right now they would be demanding he be put on Mount Rushmore.

A dejected Bartiromo brushed off a guest who tried to say the job markets are bad.

GUEST: And when you actually look at the labor market, if we just focus on small businesses, forty nine and fewer employees, which employ 50 percent of the private sector and also contribute roughly 50 percent of our GDP, they have cut jobs the last two months. It wasn’t just a one off random negative month. It’s now the last two consecutive months.

BARTIROMO: So this rally, guys, the Dow Industrial is up four hundred and sixty six points right now. The Nasdaq is up four hundred and three.

We’re going to have a rip roaring open.

Others chimed in, “But you know it’s going to come down. I think that it’s overvalued, Stuart. And it can go higher before it comes lower. But I just think overvaluation always corrects.”

Earlier on her program, Maria told Ro Khanna money managers will sell everything off if Kamala Harris wins.

Khanna responded appropriately.

KHANNA: Maria, they said the same thing about Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

They do this every time a Democrat’s going to win, but the reality is Democrats have had good financial management of the country, 50 million jobs created under Democratic presidents, and look, I represent Silicon Valley, I’ll tell you whoever’s president, Silicon Valley is going to do very well because we’re inventing AI, we’re leading in quantum, we’re leading in cybersecurity, and America’s leading the world, and ultimately it’s that which is going to drive the stock market, not politicians.

Trump said it would be 1929 all over again if Biden won.

Fearmongering any market good news under a Democratic administration is getting tiresome.

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