The 10 habits of highly confident real estate agents

Confidence is a game-changer in real estate, both for our personal success and for how clients perceive us.

Shane Kempton, CEO of Harcourts WA, explains that in many ways, it’s a mindset we cultivate, just like mental fitness.

Taking a page from Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” let’s explore the “10 Habits of Highly Confident People” and how you can apply them to your real estate career.

1. They Maintain Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact conveys trust and shows your clients that you’re present. Confidence isn’t about having all the answers but about being fully engaged with the person in front of you.

In real estate, building rapport is everything, and consistent eye contact is a small but powerful tool to strengthen those relationships.

Tip: Next time you’re at a listing presentation or meeting with a client, remind yourself to keep steady, warm eye contact. It shows you’re listening and invested in their needs.

2. They Speak with a Steady, Calm Voice

Highly confident people don’t rush their words or raise their voice to prove a point. Instead, they remain calm, steady, and purposeful in their speech.

This habit helps clients feel more secure in the advice you’re giving them.

Tip: Practice speaking in a composed manner. When nerves kick in, slow down and breathe. Steady communication reassures clients that they’re in expert hands.

3. They Don’t Feel the Need to Brag

In real estate, success often speaks for itself. Confident agents don’t need to list their accomplishments. Instead, they focus on serving their clients and letting their actions do the talking.

Tip: Focus your conversations on the client and their needs rather than on your past wins. Ask yourself, “How can I add value right now?”

4. They Ask Questions and Listen to the Answers

Confidence isn’t about dominating conversations. It’s about actively listening to understand, not just to respond. Clients feel more valued when they’re heard.

Tip: Make it a goal to listen 70 to 80% of the time during client meetings. Ask clarifying questions and paraphrase their concerns. This builds trust and demonstrates you’re truly there for them.

5. They Aren’t Afraid to Say “I Don’t Know”

There’s strength in admitting when you don’t know something, as long as you’re willing to find the answer.

In real estate, where things are constantly changing, confident agents know they don’t need to have all the answers upfront.

What matters is your commitment to finding the right information.

Tip: If a client asks something outside your expertise, confidently say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you.”Clients appreciate honesty and your willingness to go the extra mile.

6. They Don’t Need Validation from Others

Confident people trust their decisions and don’t seek constant validation.

In real estate, you must rely on your knowledge, experience, and instincts, knowing that not everyone will always agree with your approach.

Tip: Reflect on past successful transactions or times when you made the right call. This will help you trust your gut in the future and avoid needing constant reassurance.

7. They Embrace Challenges and Failures as Growth Opportunities

Challenges are a given in real estate, but it’s how you approach them that defines your success. Confident agents see setbacks as learning moments, not as reasons to quit.

Tip: When a deal falls through or a listing doesn’t sell, reflect on what you could learn from the experience. Every failure is a stepping stone to future success. Develop a habit of growth from adversity.

8. They Practice Active Listening

Active listening is more than just hearing words; it’s about understanding the emotion and intention behind them.

Confident people use this skill to build deep connections and tailor their responses accordingly.

Tip: During your next meeting, try to pick up on body language and tone. These subtle cues can reveal more than words alone, helping you adjust your approach and create a more tailored client experience.

9. They Network Strategically and Have “Smart Coffees”

Confident people know that who you surround yourself with matters. They don’t just attend every event, they network with intention, making connections that elevate their game.

Tip: Set up “smart coffees” with mentors, referral partners, or other successful agents. Pick their brains and build relationships that foster growth and open doors.

10. They Reflect and Adjust Regularly

Confidence doesn’t mean being rigid in your methods. It’s about reflecting on what’s working, what’s not, and adjusting as needed.

Confident agents take time to assess their performance, learn from it, and evolve.

Tip: At the end of each week, take 15 minutes to reflect. What did you do well? Where can you improve?

This practice helps you stay and sharpen the saw, focused, and ready to tackle new challenges.

Confidence is Cultivated

These 10 habits aren’t just for “highly confident people” in general, they’re particularly important in real estate.

Confidence, after all, isn’t something you’re born with. It’s cultivated over time with intentional habits and a mental fitness mindset.

The more we practice these habits, the more natural they become, helping us not only perform better but also inspire trust and confidence in those we serve.

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