Weirdo Trump: Global Warming Means More 'Seafront Property'

During a faux town hall discussion on Tuesday with Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Michigan, Trump described global warming as being positive for his properties near the ocean before ranting about nuclear war.

Trump consistently says global warming will make more seafront properties which is delusional.

Diminished Trump can’t keep a singular idea in his head so he rambles from topic to topics that are unrelated.

Trump began this rant by claiming world leaders wouldn’t have respect for VP Harris and then in weirdo fashion transitioned into nuclear power and whatnot.

TRUMP: We have we have countries India has a lot of nuclear force. We have countries that have tremendous nuclear power. It is nuclear power.

And when I hear these people talking about global warming, that’s the global warming you have to worry about.

Not that the ocean’s going to rise in 400 years an eighth of an inch and you’ll have more seafront property, right, if that happens.

I said, is that good or bad? I said, isn’t that a good thing? If I have a little property on the ocean, I have a little bit more property.

I have a little bit more ocean.

Global warming will destroy all Trump’s seafront properties and kill everyone on the planet, but sure, “don’t worry, be happy.”

Trump always turns everything into an Armageddon event, He whines that if Harris is elected, nuclear bombs will start flying turning into World War III.

Why doesn’t he just say if Harris is elected the apocalypse will begin? His MAGA Christian nationalists will love it.

The idea that a US politician is so clueless on global warming should be disqualifying.

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